
Free IQ test with 25 questions – Measures your intelligence quotient

Find the specific rule or pattern in each puzzle and choose the correct answer that fits the “? and choose the correct answer that fits the question.

Please note that this test does not measure complete IQ. If you want to know the exact IQ, please take a test such as WAIS or WISC at your local medical institution.

How is IQ calculated?

There are various methods of calculating intelligence quotient (IQ), but the normal distribution is adopted as the basic method in modern times.

In this case, the intelligence quotient is called Deviation Intelligence Quotient (DIQ), which is generally calculated with the mean value of 100 and the standard deviation of 15.

Formulas for Calculating DIQ

Deviation Intelligence Quotient = 100 + 15 × {(individual score – mean score of same age group) ÷ standard deviation of same age group}

The mean correct response rate for this test is approximately 60% with a standard deviation of approximately 20, and IQ is calculated assuming that all subjects are 16 years of age or older.

How to increase IQ?

One of the best ways to increase IQ is to play Rubik’s Cube.

Rubik’s Cube activates different parts of the brain, which may improve IQ.

1. improving logical thinking

Logical thinking is required to solve Rubik’s Cube.

The process of solving the cube strengthens logical thinking skills and is expected to improve problem-solving abilities.

2. strengthening memory and concentration

In order to solve the Rubik’s Cube efficiently, it is necessary to memorize various patterns and procedures.

This will strengthen memory and concentration.

3. development of spatial awareness

The Rubik’s Cube is a three-dimensional puzzle.

Therefore, in the process of solving it, spatial awareness may be developed.

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